By visiting these blogs frequently, you can stay up to date on all things publishing, books, and writing communities. The blogs on this list are all based in the UK and also post informative articles on the publishing industry.
Lovereading / Helping You Choose Your Next Book –
Lovereading is easily the leading book recommendation site in the UK. On this blog, book lovers can find guides to great books to stay inspired and entertained with all the bestselling books. They have a team of editorial experts making it easy to choose the right book for you with a free membership that includes other online tools.
Lovereading was founded in 2007 and releases up to 1 post per week.
LSE Review of Books –
LSE Review of Books publishes daily reviews of academic books. They aim to facilitate the sharing and exchanging of knowledge between experts within the academic book industry. They also strive to open up academic research to increase the impact it has.
LSE Review of Books was found in 2012 and releases up to 3 posts per week.
Penguin Books –
Penguin Books are one of the largest book publishers in the UK. Their blog posts an in-depth look into some of their most popular releases. Some other topics to look forward to include interviews with some of their authors, advice to aspiring authors, and what editors are looking for.
Contact us for more information on publishing and writing communities in Nottinghamshire.