The publishing process takes a long time to go through and is always followed by publishing houses. The process is complex and requires focus and dedication for the publishing house to make the right decision in publishing a book and market it correctly.
Acquisitions and Editing
If a publisher is interested in a book, they create a meeting with their acquisition team to discuss the possible outcomes of publishing the book. The main reason behind acquisitioning is to determine how a book will sell in the current market. If everything goes well and the team believes in the book’s success, a contract will be offered to the writer.
After the contract is agreed on, the editing phase will start to take place.
Design, Typesetting, Proofreading, and Printing
After the editing process, the publisher will work with the writer to get the best look for the cover which includes font, cover art, and typesetting the text. Proofreading will be done to see if any mistakes were not uncovered during the editing process.
After the design and final proofreading, the book will go into print.
Sales, Publicity, and Marketing
This is seen as the last step to getting the book published. No matter how big the author’s name is, a book still needs to be marketed well with outstanding publicity campaigns. The publisher works to get the work visible to the readers who would be interested in the book.
The marketing and publicity are highly focused on ensuring that the book will have high sales numbers. Some of the publicity and marketing efforts focus on getting the writer interviews on podcasts or other online channels.